So… How does it all work?
Teachers and volunteers are connected through this secure website. Volunteers sign up under the ‘Volunteers’ tab, teachers sign up on the ‘Schools’ tab and the Inspiring the Future Ireland coordinator will connect Volunteers to Schools. At the heart of Inspiring the Future Ireland, are volunteers talking informally about their job, career and their educational route, in order to broaden the horizons and raise the aspirations of young people.
Career Networking
At the heart of our work, are our volunteer speakers from a wide variety of sectors talking informally about their job, career, and their educational route , in order to broaden the horizons and raise the aspirations of young people.
We have hundreds of enthusiastic volunteers waiting to meet and connect with your students to engage in a fun and interactive discussion about their career journey, pathways t their type of work and their sector in general. Events will work the same was as always except now they will be done virtually. As always, our fully Garda Vetted team are here to organise everything and provide any other supports needed. We will also provide helpful prompt cards to assist your students with engaging in meaningful discussions.