Good news – there are still plenty of opportunities to get involved over the summer. The academic year is coming to a close, but we have a host of opportunities for grabs! We are launching an ambitious communications piece this Summer and we want you to be at the forefront. Your voice is so important to us and we want to spotlight your work! We are looking for volunteers to:
– Become an advocate for ITFI by getting your colleagues to sign to be on our database of contact (you will then receive emails about volunteering opportunities up here).
– Do a Twitter takeover for one day – We had our first takeover last month by Bank of America’s Ciara Murphy. Check out one of her tweets here. We are looking for volunteers could do the same, the young people and teachers would love to hear about your workday!
– Write a guest blog post for our website! We want to highlight your stories, your thoughts, and your career story! We’re looking for volunteers to write short posts which we will feature here.
– Create a TikTok! We need TikTok makers! Could you share career tips, your story, fun ideas, and more? You could make a simple video showing “my morning routine before work”, or “my favourite work task vs. my least favourite work task”, or “a day in the life of a ____ (insert you job title!), we’re open to ideas!
If any of these opportunities interest you, please sign up here and we can send more information. We would love to hear your thoughts, set times for you to take part, and get you involved! Want to get involved but aren’t sure you know how? Don’t worry, we are here to organise and support you every step of the way.